Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte and the lawyer for Rep. Cynthia McKinney, flanked by shamelessly exploited school children, decried the treatment of the Rep. McKinney by a Capitol Hill Police officer as racist yesterday afternoon.
Glover, a short lived actor but loud and obnoxious moron, said he and Belafonte had traveled to Washington to support their "sister." McKinney's lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., claimed she was a guilty of "Being in Congress while Black."
Belafonte and Glover claimed there purpose was not to judge the merits of the case, then swiftly denounced the officer, claimed McKinney's innocence and indicted America in general for being a racist country. Their claim of impartiality flew out the window 1.5 seconds after they said it.
That the race card was pulled out here is not surprising, but it's still revolting. That two washed up "entertainers" crawled out from the woodwork to insult, demean and accuse an officer they have never spoken too as being racist is equally disgusting.
It's simply amazing that the Georgia Democrat could have a hissy fit for being delayed, punch on officer of Capitol Hill, and then indict the poor schlock just doing his job on national television.
McKinney showed at at, surprise, surprise, Howard University, flanked by elementary school children holding signs saying "We Love Cynthia." The shameless and gisgusting exploitation of these kids who don't know any better for poltical gain not withstanding, her actions and accusations should result in her immediate arrest or there is simply no justice.
It's an abuse of power and a display of the danger political correctness poses to excuse any behavior, no matter how egregious, because someone is black. Glover, McKinney, Belafonte and her attorney apparently feel that a black woman should be able to anything she wants, behave any way she sees fit, treat people poorly and never be called to carpet because to point out this behavior is racist.
There is little doubt that they believe being black is an excuse for anything you would like excused. Punch an officer? Why, the officer was racist. Threaten charges for punching an officer? Why, the American justice system must be racist. Cynthia McKinney, as a black woman, should be free to wander around punching people all day long.
And what of the poor officer now being slandered and accused of "innapropriate touching?" I don't know what fun house mirror McKinney is looking at, but no one is going out of their way to touch her. At least she has no qualms about putting this poor guy through hell for simply doing his job. Further, she has no problem establishing a set of rules that apply only to black people who want to misbehave.
Black people everywhere should be appaled at the disservice Glover and his band of idiots is doing them. While they should be condemming McKinney's actions, while they should be pointing to black role models that conduct themselves with grace and dignity, they would rather excuse behavior and establish the nisconception that black people can't help but be violent and should be excused when they are. If anyone is guilty of furthering stereotypes here, it is these wackos.
Consider that shortly after claiming they would not judge the case or the officer Belafonte said, ""In America and Washington, D.C., issues of race have always been at play and have often been central to justice miscarried. ... We're here to be sure that this process is handled fairly and it is not rooted in a familiar racist behavior, that the outcome of this is going to be done on a very fair and a very square basis."
Yoou might notice that the outcome should be fair, not the process leading to it. The outcome, of course, is McKinney walks free while the officer is tarred and feathered. Any other outcome will be racist. Familiar racist behavior? Central to justice miscarried? Good thing they aren't passing judgement.
These clowns are an embarrasment to every hard working black person that plays by the rules and understands common civility. To accuse a man who grabbed her by the shouler of eccesive force? Please.
While it's difficult to judge who might be the dumbest person in Hollywood, Glover is clearly leading the pack having pulled up into a neck and neck race with Tom Cruise.
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