Wednesday, May 03, 2006

More Failed Energy Policies

If we needed more proof that the average voter is a complete moron a poll released by Fox News today confirmed the theory: The average citizen is prone to being swayed by rhetoric and blindingly dumb.

The poll stated:

Most people agree our economy is strong and getting stronger
Most people agree high gas prices are their number one concern
By a two-to-one margin those polled trust the Democrats more to deal with the problem.

Pardon me? The Democrats are the problem. What did the Democrats do today? They blocked a bill that would have eased restrictions and made building a refinery easier, thereby enticing more companies to get into the refining business. Great job, no wonder people trust the liberals. After all, they’re only behind most of the failed energy policies from the last 20 years that got us here.

Justifying the ridiculous decision Rep. Rick Boucer, D-Va., said "The real reason we have a refinery shortage is the companies that own refineries are profiting enormously from the ... refinery bottlenecks," said Boucher.

Really, Mr. Boucher. It isn’t because ¼ of the cost of building a new refinery is dedicated to filling out forms generated by the government? Of course not. What bill did he vote for? A bill authorizing fines of up to 150 million dollars for any company caught price gouging.

Of course, since it’s nearly unanimous among economic experts that no gouging is occurring, it’s totally useless. But it sounds great doesn’t it? Build more refineries, no way, say the Democrats. Posture and puff over non-existent price gouging and call for fines that will never be levied, that’s the way to fix the high gas prices!

Still no word on why the oil companies are making 8 to 12 cents a gallon on gasoline while the government is making 20 cents per gallon. What a surprise. Does 8 cents a gallon sound like gouging?

I might also wish to know where all that oil is that we we’re going to steal from Iraq. As the liberals have so often proclaimed, this war was not about removing a murderous madman from power, it was about stealing the oil. So, where is it? Why are prices hitting record highs with all this stolen oil being brought in from Baghdad? It couldn’t be the liberals were lying could it? Unheard of.

Just ask Rick Boucher whose party created a shortage of refineries that he now blames the refining companies for. I’m certain that all refining companies enjoyed the cost prohibitive, time consuming and paranoid environmental regulations that make it impossible for them to open more plants.

Just think of the logic here. The Democrats make it impossible to open a refinery and then blame the refining companies for a shortage of plants. It’s brilliant!

And the average idiot insists these lying windbags are the answer to our problems. They also said:

    Bush’s tax cuts would cripple the economy that is now chugging along
    Bush would steal oil from Iran, paid for in blood--now there’s an energy crisis
    Allowing Iraq to ignore UN sanctions would not harm long term foreign policy. The result: Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad last week said “..they will pass some useless and meaningless resolutions,” when responding to sanctions proposed by the US and Britian as a result of Iran’s defiance on nuclear policy.

They’re wrong so often it’s amazing.

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