Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Movie Fan Feedback

Movie Fans Feedback!!!

Finally, some feedabck from fellow movie fans! Here is one kind readers list of movies he thinks are very underrated. For the record, he is so right about Nobody's Fool. That was a great movie!

Johnny Cool (1963)
...chilling little gangster flick

The Deceivers (1988)
...flawed but intriguing. Brosnan Vs the Thuggee Cult.

The Last of Sheila (1973)
"......I don't have any gloves!"

Hoffa (1992)
.....hammy maybe, but Nicholson is still electric.

Nobody's Fool (1994)
....poignant & funny Newman. Ensemble at its best.

Storyville (1992)
......southern charm & smarm. Entertaining Spader.

His Kind of Woman (1951)
......Mitchum & Price. Great noirish adventure.

Mirage (1965)
......out-Hitchcocks Hitchcock. Stunning.

March or Die (1977)
......snarling Hackman. Above average Euro-pudding.

The Kremlin Letter (1970)
......cynical, poisonous & lingering Huston. Hateful, but gripping.

Eye of the Cat (1969)
....Sarrazin psycho-drama.....unseen for many years?

Games (1967)
Signoret, Caan, more mind games than you can handle....

Rio Conchos (1964)
.....the great Richard Boone & a catchy theme.

While The City Sleeps (1956)
......Andrews, Sanders, Price & that snappy dialogue.

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